Saturday, July 6, 2013

Full Armor of God comes to Stanley Union Church

July 9th through 12th will bring a fun and informative study of the Full Armor of God. The first Vacation Bible School to be held in the new building on the South side of Kinsell Avenue West starts up on Tuesday the 9th. As a way of introducing the activities to the community, the sponsors and children/youth rode their colorful float in the Moriarty 4th of July Parade:

Castles, knights, and dragons... a taste of what is to come
Stanley Union Church, 14 Kinsell Avenue West
2013 VBS July 9 - 12 9am-noon
"Standing Strong in the
Battle for TRUTH!"
If you want your children to attend a Bible Teaching, Bible Believing, Christ Centered, Hymn Singing, Worship Filled, and God Centered Church.... It is worth the drive to Stanley!
We serve a BIG GOD from a
small spot in the country!!!!

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