Monday, March 18, 2013

Dedication Day March 17, 2013

This was a wonderful day in the life of the Stanley Union Church. A near capacity crowd gathered to be witnesses and supporters of the Dedication of the Building to the Lord. Here are a few pictures from that memorable day...

The following article was on the cover of the Mountain View Telegraph this week:

Dedicating faith

More and more churches in urban areas are backing off denominational labels.

It's something the Stanley Union Church did more than 100 years ago. The reasoning for the Stanley church to be open to those of all faiths came about more from necessity than a desire to fill the pews.
"There were lots of different churches in the early days," said Don King, a life-time member of the Stanley Union Church. "Eventually, they all ended and we were left."
Pastor John Nash, who's been on the job in Stanley for four years, put it even better.
"God's word has no denominations," he said.
Through the years, the church has been located in different buildings in the village, but since November, services have been held in a new 15,000-square-foot building.
A dedication ceremony will be held at the new church building on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
Although the church has about 90 members, its sanctuary can easily seat more. The church also has numerous classrooms.
Nash said the idea is to have a church that can serve its parishioners and well as handle growth.

A beautiful spring arrangement greeted the attendees.
This is the church foyer.
Three pastors gave a message this day.

Board Chairman, Don King welcomed Pastor Jim Thompson.
Pastor Thompson came back from Texas
 for the day to share in the celebration.

Don King shares a special moment with
Helen and Reverend Russell Lee.
Doctor Lee was interim Pastor for several years
while the church was seeking a new pastor.

Pastor John Nash and his lovely wife, Ginger
at the reception which followed across the street.






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