Friday, September 13, 2013

Harvest Fest Revisited: 9 7 13

What a wonderful day it was for the House of the Lord on the grounds of the Stanley Union Church. Young and Old came out to enjoy the music, participate in the shows, join in on the games, and just have some down home fellowship with the community of the Estancia Valley.

DJ, Dennis Fulfer did an outstanding job of filling the air with the spiritual blessings of music across many genres. Songs such as Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA", Vince Gill "Go Rest High on that Mountain", and Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel" mixed well with the new sound of Toby Mac and Mercy Me. Inside the sanctuary, the crowd could get out of the sun and enjoy "Carl Pennington's Country Boys" as they played their instruments to the group gathered in the sanctuary. As the day drew to a close, everyone joined Larry Graves as he presented a wonderful gospel message through his music.

One of the highlights of the day was the story telling by local Edgewood resident, Wanda King Fishburn. She dressed as the late Mollie "Grandma" King and told stories of the by-gone era in Stanley. Included in her tales were how she and the late Willie Sam King and she had settled in the Stanley area, how they got their first model-T, why they came and why they stayed. She shared that her youngest, Don King, was the only child born in a real hospital. Most New Mexicans are familiar with her middle son, the late Governor Bruce King. Her eldest son, Sam, is still living and is the storyteller's father.

Also available for entertainment in the field were puppet skits, face painting, kiddie games, beach volleyball, horseshoes, children's inflated jumpers of two sizes, a prayer tent, cake walk, and free hot dogs from Aunt Yeya's wagon. Set up in the church nursery was a Photo Booth where attendees could get a lovely piece of memorabilia of themselves in a harvest fest setting. The Stanley Fire Department had their trucks out for the community to tour and gave away Dairy Queen ice cream to a grateful crowd.





The church congregation was so pleased with the response to this event that they have committed to make it a tradition, at least for one more year! So watch for the 2nd annual Harvest Fest next September the weekend after Labor Day in the flatlands of Stanley with our beautiful mountain views and welcoming people.