Monday, February 1, 2016

Children's Church Studying "The Spirit of The Lord"

Beginning in January 2016, the Children's Church of the Stanley Union Church will be studying about "The Spirit of The Lord." Using the 2015 bronze winner of the Illumination Award Enduring Lights Christian Children's book, Little Dove, the children will learn that

"The Holy Spirit is found throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. His work is acclaimed. His position in the Trinity is undeniable.  He, along with God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son, are described as being together at creation and at Jesus’ baptism. 

We are told to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19.

He is called “the Spirit of The Lord.” He seals, anoints, and empowers. The scriptures compare His actions to that of water, wind, fire, oil, wine, and seed. The most frequent and possibly the most recognized symbol for the Spirit is that of a dove.  In Matthew 3:16, Jesus emerges from the water “and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.” 

It is the author's desire that young children come to recognize the move of the Holy Spirit in their lives. By identifying and illustrating fourteen actions of the little dove, she hopes that the character of the Spirit of The Lord is more understandable to both young and old."

Each child will be receiving a Student Guide which 
contains coloring pages from the book. 

Craft projects and/or demonstrations will 
be a part of most week's lessons. 

Each child will receive a certificate 
of completion at the end of the unit.

This unit is being taught by the author of the book, 
Little Dove, Marion Richardson.

"Jesus Saves" Put In Cups Profess the Gospel

On October 31st, a small group of church members got together to profess the gospel through the message "Jesus Saves" embedded into the chain link fence with "Put In Cups." The bright plastic cups in red, silver, and blue add a statement to the east fence on the grounds of the property. Passers by traveling Highway 41 from Moriarty to Lamy can easily read this message.