Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Misson trip to Alamos 09/2011

As most of you know John made a recent trip to Mexico. He left on August 21st after church. He flew to Tucson, spent the night and caught a Mexican bus, Tufesa for the trip on to Guaymas. He needed to renew his yearly visa and is required to do it in Guaymas as that is the nearest migracion office for Alamos residents. Pastor Nestor and wife, Lyly met him there and after visiting the migracion office they made the 3 ½ hour trip south to Alamos.
As you can see from the photo below Alamos is beautifully green as they have been blessed with a healthy monsoon season. This is the view from our casa's front portal. John loved to sit there in the early morning with a cup of tea and talk to God.
Nestor is the pastor of Armaduro de Dios church in Alamos. This is the church that was built with the help of many US christians. The church is slowly growing. It is blessing to see how God is moving there in Alamos.

The church folks there love John and regard him as family. Before John left on his trip we had begun to hear that he was expected to give a message while he was there. Since it had been quite awhile since John had delivered a message in Spanish he found this to be a challenge. He requested that I email him notes of a specific message that was in his files. He later told me the first page came through to him in English however following pages appeared to be in a unrecognizable foreign anguage (who understands this electronic world?) at that he tossed the notes away and winged it. I heard from our Mexican friends that his message was wonderful and that his Spanish was muy bien.
During the service a young couple brought their baby forward to be dedicated to the Lord.

During his time there John visited with our students that are attending high school and college. He purchased shoes and backpacks for some of our needy elementary school children. Getting new shoes is a big deal for these children, some who have never had new shoes or shoes that fit properly. Thanks to everyone who has supported our ministry. It’s such a blessing to share God’s love and gifts with our people there in Alamos. Blessings to all of you, Ginger & Pastor John