Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoughts for the New Year 2011

We have passed through another year and are entering the New Year of 2011. At the beginning of this new year the old familiar year is now history. We now stand at the brink of the unknown future and time, which we call the new year.

I believe any one of us can look back over the past year as well as further back in our past and see the hand of God at work in our lives. Down through the ages God has been at work to fulfill his plans for us as well as all of his creation.

The author of the 90th Psalm says, "God is from everlasting to everlasting." In other words, God is timeless. That psalm also tells us he allots us three score and ten years, and if by reason of strength they may be four score years. These years are meaningless unless we have a personal relationship with God. We need to understand what the Psalmist writes in 90:12 "Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom".

With these thoughts in mind as we look back over the past, it is easier to understand why God has placed us where he has, why he brought us into contact with certain people, why certain circumstances happened in our lives; why God allowed us to go through difficulties and pain, why he took us through sad and difficult times and why he has placed us where we are.

As Ginger and I look back over the past we now can see God's guidance in our lives. We know his wise and loving hands have managed our journey bringing us to where we are today.

Psalms 92:4 says, "For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work; I will triumph in the works of thy hands".

It should make us all glad and fill our hearts with joy to see how often God has assisted, directed and managed the outcome of our lives so faithfully. With God's promise of always being with us, we can rest assured that we can enter into the new year with confidence that God is in control.