Tuesday, January 26, 2010

OK, Let's Get Started With Our 1st Blog

Greetings in Jesus precious name - We do hope that our blog will be a blessing to you. As Pastor John's gal Friday, me, Ginger will probably do more postings than Pastor will. However, I hope he will impart pearls of wisdom from time to time and those of you who wish to respond will be given a chance to do so.

As most of you know John and I spent 11 years as missionaries to Mexico, returning to the USA in November, 2009 after losing our possessions in a hurricane caused flood in our village of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. You'll be hearing lots of our "Mexico" stories and we hope you will enjoy those.

This blog was instigated, conceived and birthed by Marion Richardson. Now it is our assignment to feed it and see it grow and hopefully from time to time bless you. It is good for someone to occasionally prick us into action. Thank you, Marion.

I love writing and find myself rather longwinded at times, so bear with me. We love living in Stanley and being pastors of Stanley Union Church. It's like being back home in the '50's living in the small town of Muleshoe, Tx. Everyone is so friendly, well . . . . occasionally one may meet an 'ole sorehead but we'll keep working on those and kill them with kindness. Do you guys know kindness works most of the time? Who can keep grouching when they are being bombarded with cheeful waves and God bless, how are you.

Small story on the grouch subject, when we first went to Mexico in 1997 we were invited to housesit for an elderly couple, named Mellen. Their casa was located in a Mexican neighborhood very near the Centro (center of town). The Mexican family across the narrow street was an older couple named Gonzales. (Remember this family as you'll hear more about them in future posts). Elena, being the Mama and Nacho, the Papa. Elena was a precious woman and soon became one of our closest friends. Now Nacho was another story, he was a proverbial grouch. He did not like any Americano associated with the Mellen casa. He would stand on the front portal and scowl at us as we came and went back and forth. Not nice!! We talked it over and decided we would kill him with kindness. Each time we left or arrived we would wave big time and smile. It took a while but slowly he began to thaw, soon he was waving back. Most mornings Nacho went to the plaza to pass time with his amigos. Occasionally we would see him there, and he would give us a big wave and have to hug John, calling him his amigo. Abrazos y besos (hugs and kisses) are the usual way of greetings among friends, one must learn the air kiss in a hurry to live in Mexico.

I came across this little thought as I was reading, "If you knew who was walking with you, how could you be afraid"? I would prefer to say, "When you know who is walking with you, how can you be afraid"? Thank you, precious Jesus for always surrounding us with your love and protection.

I wanted to share this bit of summer time beauty with you. You can spot this cactus off Kinsell Ave on the south side across from the post office (only cactus there). Look at those little eggs' God provides a hiding place for even the smallest of his creatures.