Monday, December 12, 2011

The Third Sunday of Advent

On this third Sunday of Advent, I would like  to share some thoughts with you from the 9th chapter of Isaiah.

The prophet Isaiah when writing this some 600 to 700 years before Christ was born is telling us that a child is to be born who will be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince Of Peace. This Child will be a great Light to those who walk in darkness. Their joy and rejoicing will be increased.

Isaiah is pointing out that the very region where the Assyrian armies brought darkness and death would be the first to rejoice in that great Light thru the teachings of Jesus Christ when his earthly ministry first began. Matthew 4: 12 thru 16 tells of this ministry that Isaiah had prophesied.

This great Light that brought joy and rejoicing to those depressed by the Assyrian armies would also bring joy and rejoicing to the whole world.  This great Light would bring the blind by a way that they knew not, it would lead them in paths that they had not known. It would make darkness light before them, and crooked ways would be made straight.

Over the last 2000 years many people have tried to tell us who this great Light is. On this third Sunday of Advent I ask you, Who do you say this Light is?

Is this great Light, the one you met as a child in Sunday School? Is this Light that infant  sleeping in a manger? Is this Light the good Shepherd welcoming his lost sheep back to the fold? Is this great Light the one who died on the cross for your sins?

This great Light is the word which became flesh and dwelt among us, the Lord Jesus Christ, who dwells within us and whom we proclaim to the world when we tell others the Good News.

During this Advent season, who do you say this Great Light is? And what does it mean to you?