Monday, January 18, 2010

Stanley Church has a heart for helping the community

John and Ginger volunteer at the Bethel Storehouse in Moriarty, New Mexico. Families who have found themselves down on their luck are able to come to Bethel and get food for their pantry. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, members of the congregation donated bags of groceries that were sent home with families for the holiday meals. Because of their missionary spirit, other members of the Stanley congregation have since begun to volunteer at Bethel Storehouse.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New building being constructed

The congregation of the Stanley Union Church is
excited about the new construction taking place
on the south side of Kinsell Avenue.
The new church building will hold
approximately 280 in the auditorium.

The interior of the sanctuary spans the entire height of the building.
Behind and to the west are the lower classrooms and offices.
Above sits the expansive choir loft and other classrooms.
The sheetrock was completed in the early fall of 2009.