Sunday, October 26, 2014

Walking With Wisdom

God promises many blessings for those who walk in His ways. however this doesn't mean that we are going to have a life of ease and unending prosperity. But it does mean that no matter what we face in life, we have the assurance of God's unending love and continuing work in our lives.

Even if we seek God's wisdom with all of our heart, we may still experience some bad things in our lives. We may suffer the loss of our health, relationships, financial or many other things. But when we choose to live our lives according to the wisdom of God, He assures us that we will come through all these hardships more conformed to the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ and closer to everything God desires for His children.

The first chapter of Proverbs lays it out clearly the difference of desiring God's wisdom in our lives and rejection of His wisdom.

The word of God teaches us that wisdom is being able to see things from God's perspective and to respond to them according to the principles of the Holy Scriptures. To have true wisdom in our lives we will seek Godly wisdom about all the earthly circumstances that we are faced with.

I believe that there are five main reasons why God desires for His children to walk in His wisdom.

1. God desires for all his children to become all that He created them to be. He expects us to develop and use the talents, abilities, and gifts that He gave us in becoming the man or woman He created us to be.

2. God desires for us to accomplish all of the work that He places before us and not go about it halfheartedly. When God places an opportunity, a challenge or goal in front of us He expects us to pursue it with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. He wants us to successfully complete what He called us to do.

3. God wants every one of His children to receive, experience, and enjoy all the blessings that He wants to pour into our lives. God wants us to walk wisely and with Godly wisdom so that we can experience the fullness of His provisions promised in His word. He wants us to be spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.

4. God wants our lives to bring glory to Him. God wants us to live in a way that causes others to want Christ Jesus in their lives. Living a foolish life does not bring glory to God. But living a life through the wisdom of God does.

5. God desires that all of us avoid the pitfalls associated with a foolish lifestyle.

Most of the time foolish choices are made in response to the pressures of society or pressure from our peers. One of the main problems with society today is that they do not value God's wisdom. Most people simply choose to just go "with the flow of society."

Many people assume that because " EVERY ONE IS DOING IT " it must be ok. They never stop to question whether or not the behavior is wise or foolish. They simply go on with flow as others around them are doing.

The way of a person without God's wisdom is known as the " FOOL’S GAME." The fool's way is that he can live his life " ANY WAY HE WANTS " and come out a winner.

Such a life as this is marked by REBELLION, DISOBEDIENCE, and PRIDE. Such a life lived in this manner will never know the blessings of Almighty God.

A person can brag about all their riches, their degrees, their background experiences, their accomplishments, notoriety, fame and awards, however, if they are rejecting God's plan of Salvation for their life they are still playing the fool's game.

The most important thing a person can do is to receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

People living the foolish lifestyle will AVOID, DENY, IGNORE and delay decisions in life that are inevitable.

One such decision that I want to touch on involves eternity. WE ALL WILL DIE. That fact is inevitable. The bible says in Hebrews 9:27 " IT IS APPOINTED FOR MEN TO DIE ONCE, AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT."

There are those who do not believe there is a judgment after death, but surely everyone believes that he will face death. A person only needs to look around and see that he has never met a two-hundred year old person.

Death is not a might, maybe, or perhaps event . . . it is an inevitable fact in every person's life.

A person who walks with God's wisdom will face the inevitabilities of life, especially those of death and judgment. A judgment awaits everyone after they die. 2nd Corinthians 5:10 " for we must all appear before the judgment seat of CHRIST, that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."

Only a foolish person would ignore that fact or fail to prepare for God's divine evaluation of his or her life.

I want to urge everyone who has not received Jesus Christ as your savior to do so today. Tomorrow may never come. Then walk with God's wisdom in your life.

Whatever you need - Matthew 7:7-8 '"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."