Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rosario, One of God’s Children Has Gone Home


Rosario Gutierrez Bocobachi

Today we received a phone call from Hermano Nestor telling us that Rosario had gone to her reward this past Wednesday. It makes us sad that we won’t see her again here on this earth, but we rejoice that she is now with Jesus.

We met Rosario a year or so after we moved to Alamos. We were taken to her home by a fellow Mexican Christian. Rosario’s casa was straight up a steep hill, perched on a ledge near the top. No road, just a steep, rocky path. What a blessing that day turned out to be. We learned she could not read but had a bible.She told us her favorite scriptures were in Psalms. She asked if the hermano (brother in Christ) could read it to her. She had been a Christian for 40 some years. As we were preparing to leave we asked if she would say a prayer. I can tell you we didn’t understand all her words but with tears steaming down her face as she prayed it sent blessed shivers down our spine. What a blessing that was.

We began to provide a monthly food box and occasional medications  for her. We always saved her casa for the last stop on our food deliveries as we loved visiting with her. She was such a blessing and joy for us. We would always ask that she pray. As I write this I can see her with tears falling down her cheeks and her finishing with a soft reverent hallelujah, hallelujah.

She walked with a walker as a dog had caused her to fall breaking her leg and the leg had healed wrong. Once during the rainy season we found her bed soaking wet as the roof in the tiny room was leaking like a sieve. We were able to provide some assistance for a new roof. Her casa consisted of two small, dirt floored rooms. In later years the Mexican government had a program where they supplied cement for casa repairs so she was able to get a concrete floors.

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The other woman in these photos is her friend. The friend was also one of our food stops along our route. We never learned her name.This woman was not a Christian but Rosario loved her and never missed a chance to witness to her. As time went on we began to feel a softening of her spirit. I hope she came to Christ before Rosario passed. I know this little woman will miss Rosario terribly.

In February, 2010 when we visited Alamos we paid Rosario a visit. She was in her mid 80’s at that time. Her older brother was staying with her as he lived alone in the country. He had been ill and wasn’t able to be alone. He slept on the portal.  Hermano Nestor told us today that he survives her.