Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mary Huston's 90th Birthday

I'd like to take this opportunity to honor Mary Huston. She and her husband, Don were long time members of Stanley Union Church. When we first came to pastor at Stanley I asked someone how they came to be part of the Stanley family as they live "a far piece away". I learned that through Don's never forgetting that he represented our Lord in his daily life as well as his professional life he had been delivering supplies to this couple's home construction site and had invited them to visit Stanley Union Church. As all of you know once you visit, the church opens it arms to you. I also was told that Mary was always behind Don every step of the way. How wonderful to have pioneers to blaze our paths.

Recently Mary's daughters, Dodie Miller & Lucinda Williams along with their spouses asked Mary's friends and our church members to join in celebration of Mary's 90th birthday. This particular Sunday afternoon was a perfect fall day. Many friends came to help celebrate this occasion. Seeing Mary ensconced on the sofa with friends and family all around her made for a precious sight. Someone remarked to one of the son in laws that Mary seemed to be enjoying herself, his reply was, "yes, she is able to enjoy the moment whether she recalls it tomorrow or not". What a wonderful thought, we should all enjoy the moment as who knows what tomorrow will bring. How many of us miss the blessing of today waiting for tomorrow?