Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 2012 Move In

Members were thrilled with the Christmas blessing of being able to worship in the new sanctuary at 14 Kinsell Avenue West. The first service was held on November 25th, 2012. The congregation sang beautiful Thanksgiving songs including, "We Gather Together".

On December 2, 2012, decorations greeting those in attendance included a lovely green wreath in the foyer, wreaths in the sanctuary bedecked with brilliant red bows, a shimmering Christmas tree, an advent wreath of freshly cut pine branches, and a nativity scene at the altar.

Ruth prepares the finishing touches on the Advent Wreath.
Members meet and greet in the sanctuary.
Families gather on this December morning.
One of the young members enjoys the Christmas Tree.
The foyer is a pleasant place to visit prior to services.
Pastor John Nash presents an "Advent" message.
The piano and organ add to the blessings of  the music service.
Pastor John passes the Communion elements for distribution.
Communion is honored on the first Sunday of each month.

Christmas Schedule:
Sunday, December 2nd, 9th, 16th: 11:00 am services with Christmas hymns.
December 23rd: 11:00 am service combining Children's Program & Sunday Services.
December 24th: 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service

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