Tuesday, August 27, 2013



On Saturday, September 7th, the Stanley Union Church will be hosting a community outreach project whose purpose is to bring the light of Jesus to people who might not otherwise enter the doors of a church on Sunday.

The vision is that the congregation of this church will  put on a mini-festival with music, games, food and activities at no expense to the attendees.

There is no way to predict the success of this venture. Only God plants the seeds through the Holy Spirit. Our place in this event is our obedience in following the command to “go and make disciples of all nations...”

Here is how you can help:
~ pray for God’s will to be done “in Stanley as it is in Heaven”
~ pray for a plentiful harvest of souls
~ attend this event
~ tell others
~ distribute fliers
~ offer verbal support
~ volunteer
~ donate: 16.9 oz bottled water; canned soda; cake for cake-walk; finances


11:00 AM - 4:00
DJ music & games, cake-walk, face painting, puppet skits,
horse shoes, volleyball, kids jumping centers, prayer tent

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM free hot dogs, chips, water @ Aunt YeYa's kitchen

1:00 - 3:00 LIVE music in sanctuary by The Country Boys

3:00 - 4:00 LIVE music & witness in the sanctuary by Larry Graves

There will be a “photo booth” in the Nursery
where visitors can have their picture taken and
receive a fun piece of memorabilia to take home.

We will have a prayer tent set up where individuals
can come and gather tracts, fliers, printed materials,
meet the Pastor, pray privately or with someone.

*please bring a canned good to donate to Bethel storehouse

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