Monday, February 8, 2010

Stanley Singers

This is a snapshot of our new singing group. This was a practice session Sunday before last. Yesterday (Sunday 7th) was their debut for the congregation. They sang Amazing Grace. I'm not a singer so I can't render a professional judgement but it sounded good to this old southern gospel ear. Channah Edwards is the director and pianist for the group.

Nancy Shiver gave a short history of Amazing Grace and John Newton who wrote it. I knew he was a slave ship captain before being saved. Newton later became a curate in the Church of England. God surely knew what he was doing when he gave inspiration to its writing and for it being passed down through history over for over two hundred years. It has and will continue to bless and move us all. Praise God.

We have a wonderful video entitled, Amazing Grace. It was a PBS documentary by Bill Moyers. It aired back in the late '80s. I was able to order from the PBS store. Recently I tried to order it on DVD but learned it was no longer available. I have asked a friend to copy the video to DVD format. Hopefully he will do so soon.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, in Jesus' Name. This is the second try at posting a comment. Our souls rejoice when we read the blog and see how God continues His blessings at Stanley Union Church.
    We keep you in our prayers and know that you pray for us, we feel them.
    Love you very much, Evelyn & Jim Thompson


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