Monday, February 8, 2010

Glorifying God

As I was talkng to the Lord in prayer this morning I felt lead to post this note. There are times when we get so busy with our own daily schedules that we forget to give sufficient time to worshiping God.

We all need to remember that Isaiah 43:7 reminds us that we were created for God's glory. Psalms 86:12 says that we are to glorify his name forevermore.

In Matt 5:14 God says, that we as individuals and the church, are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hidden. Matt 5:16 says, we are to let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our father, who is in heaven.

In 1 Thes 5:19 we are commanded by God to not quench the Spirit. If we go through our life quenching the Holy Spirit we will never be lead to glorify God in the way that he desires. Since we were created for God's glory and to be used for his will, the bible tells us in 1st Cor 6: 20, we are to glorify God in our body and in our spirit which belong to God. We were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ that flowed from the Cross at Calvary. We are not our own, we belong to God. So let us all forget about ourselves, put Jesus first, and glorify God in everything we do.

1 comment:

  1. am really enjoying Pastor John's sermonette's... thank you for doing this, it is very inspirational. M


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