Sunday, November 2, 2014

Covered By the Blood

Sunday November 2, 2014

Covered By The Blood

Luke 10: 19-20 " Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven."

The word of God tells us in Leviticus, Chapter 17 verses 11 and 14 "The life of the flesh is in the blood." It is the life of all flesh."

The blood that flows through our bodies carries everything we need to support every cell of our body and maintain our normal body temperature. As the blood flows through our body it carries away the foreign elements such as virus or bacteria that can make us ill. This is the function of the blood flowing through our bodies. What is true in our natural body is also true in our spiritual body.

If the blood did not flow through our bodies doing it’s job we would die. There is a constant war going on with viruses and germs always trying to invade the body. When we get a wound of some kind the blood rushes to the wound and begins to fight against all the foreign elements that try to get into the wound.

And so the blood of Jesus Christ is our defense of the spiritual body. The blood of Jesus is our defense, our shield, and our protection. The blood of Jesus will rise up to fight spiritual diseases that would otherwise destroy us. The blood of Jesus covers us against the storms of life that Satan throws against us. Luke 10:19 says, behold, I give you power over all the powers of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. This power is in the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit joins forces with the blood of Christ and becomes one to give us power over the enemy.

By repentance and confession of our sins and being obedient to God, clears the way so that the Blood of Christ can flow and do what it was meant to do. Rest assured there will be attacks from Satan. Things will come against us. But if we maintain a personal relationship with Christ, if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, the blood of Christ will have us covered and protected.

Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb.” Who is him? SATAN. The blood of Christ is our greatest defense against SATAN.

When we are born again, we are brought into the family of God, we are now in Christ, which means Christ is in us, we are surrounded by Him, we are secured through the power of His blood.

There is enough sin on any of us to send us to the grave without Christ. However, Hallelujah, there is the precious blood that was shed at Calvary and that blood has secured us. That’s what we throw at Satan when He tries to get us back into a sinful life. “I rebuke you, Satan by the power of the blood of Jesus of Nazareth.”

There is a very poisonous snake, the Cobra,  at one time if a person was bitten by a Cobra it was sure death in a very short time. I understand that through experiments they have now a serum that can immunize a person against a Cobra bite.

Now what has the snake, a serpent (Satan), got to do with what we are talking about? Let me say this, many years ago a serpent more poisonous than the Cobra bit the human race. The bible tells us, “by one man’s sin, all of us have been made sinners.” The bible calls Satan a serpent. Through the bite of that old serpent, death has passed upon the entire human race. The bible says that “death reigned and that death ruled.” Why did death reign and rule over the human race? Because there was no antidote to fight it, the poison was in the blood stream of the human race, and all had to die. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.”

Over two thousand years ago, one man came to this earth that was immune to the serpent’s bite. This man knew no sin. But in order to save the human race which God created, this man, The Holy One, God’s Son, Christ Jesus, willfully allowed the serpent to bite him. Therefore Jesus, the one who knew no sin, became sin for us and by allowing the serpent to bite him, he took my sins and your sins upon himself.

In effect Jesus said to the serpent, bite me, inject me with the sins of the whole world, and by my death, I will conquer death. By my blood I will become the antidote against death, and though it is written,” The soul that sinneth shall die, the soul that receives the antidote of my blood, SHALL LIVE!!” The blood of Christ is the cure, the only cure, for the deadly disease called SIN.

This is something that we should all be aware of as we call for unity in the churches and in families. When we sin willfully by allowing anger, strife, disagreements and bitterness to remain among us, the Blood of Christ cannot do the work it was meant to do.

The word of God tells us that we as Christians, are a “Temple of the Holy Ghost and we are not our own.” We were bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross at Calvary.

All believers are members of the body of Christ. When we refuse to walk in the light of faith and obedience to God’s word, then we allow things into our lives and our bodies that will defile us. When we walk in the light and the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin and wrong attitudes, we begin to see others in the perfection of Christ. If we have a bad attitude about something concerning our church, relationships with friends and family, all these will disappear if we walk in the light and allow ourselves to be totally cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. If we are walking in the light and being obedient to God we will have fellowship one with another even though we may have different personalities.

The apostle, John tells us in Chapter 13:35, that Jesus said, “ by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love one for another.” In Romans chapter 5, Paul writes about the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

READ ROMANS 5:1-11 When the peace, love and fellowship of the blood of Christ are visible among us, all people will see it.

Whatever the blood of Christ wishes to remove from us, we must let it go; trying to hold onto it will ultimately destroy us. Confess, repent and let the blood do its perfect work in cleansing you.

Medical science says that death by hemorrhaging from the loss of blood is the most horrible of all deaths. This is doubly true spiritually, words cannot describe the horror of a soul dying without the blood of Jesus Christ covering it. When a soul is hungry for God and cannot find him, that my friend is hell. When a soul physically dies without God; that is eternal Hell, the final destination of one dying without knowing Christ Jesus as their personal Savior. But man does not have to die of a spiritual hemorrhage, without the blood of Christ covering him. Man does not have to die of spiritual starvation. The answer to a natural hemorrhage in the body is a blood transfusion. The answer to spiritual hemorrhage is also a blood transfusion. The blood of Christ will stop the torment of a soul that is lost. The blood of Jesus Christ is the antidote. The blood of Christ is the answer to everything that is of God.

Hebrews 10:19 says, Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest (sanctified) by the blood of Jesus.

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