Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Pageant 2011

It is a tradition at the Stanley Union Church for the congregation to gather back at the building in the dark of a cold winter night to be warmed by the sweet voices of our children singing Christmas carols. This year brought an especially frosty evening with dense fog hanging low over the Stanley plains.

The damp air outside did nothing to squelch the spirits in the quaint stucco building where members, joined by family and friends, gathered for the annual pageant. Flanked by a simple backdrop of the Bethlehem pastures and the humble manger scene, the little participants acted out the age old story of the birth of the baby Jesus.

The congregation of the Stanley Union Church are a joyous and welcoming group of believers. They are quick to give a hug, and spread some cheer. I'm not sure if their hearts grow larger at Christmas or if the love and peace of Jesus just swells and brims at this time of year... If you would like to see for yourself, why not join us this Saturday at 4:00 for our Christmas Eve Service?

Nevertheless, Merry Christmas to all and we hope you feel the spirit of this season as you spend precious time with your loved ones this year. Know that Jesus truly does love His little children! (of all ages)

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