Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Your EFT (Eternal Faith & Trust)

Pastor John writes; Recently we heard from an old friend of ours from California, who one Sunday several years ago was visiting in our English speaking church service in Alamos, Mexico. We learned he was a recent convert after being an atheist most of his adult life. During the service he requested prayer as he was in severe pain having suffered an injury to his hip & leg while working out at his gym in California. At that time he was prayed for with the laying on of hands. He received a complete healing evidenced shortly after the prayers were prayed. It was a miracle and he has never ceased giving God the glory for his healing. Shortly after he returned home to California we received an e-mail from him with his testimony he was sharing with everyone he knew. He is an incredible gentleman who is now 94 years old and in good health. In his recent e-mail he was sharing with us his love of God and how he still depends on his EFT to get him through any health problems that occur.

I wish to share with you my response to his precious reaffirming of his EFT in God.

Good to hear from you and know that you still have that EFT. It is never wrong to ask questions of GOD. Just remember that he is always in control, and always keep your EFT. If GOD does not heal us supernaturally from our infirmities we can rest assured that he has provided intelligent people like doctors and scientists to help with our healing. But we do need to always remember to look to the throne of GOD from where all healing flows through the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who bore our iniquities and our infirmities upon his body when he died on the cross, I, like you, do not take prescription drugs unless it is absolutely necessary, I trust almighty GOD to keep my body well and healthy as he promised to do if we are obedient to his word and place our total faith and trust in him. When you pray to God for anything just be sure that it is scriptural and believe that it has taken place even before you ask him in prayer.
When you go to God in prayer just remember what Jesus said in Mark 11:24 " Therefore I say unto you , what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye will receive them, and ye shall have them". Also we need to remember what Jesus told us about prayer in John 16:23 -- After Jesus has ascended back to heaven to be with the Father--- And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say to you, whatever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. So we come to the Father in the name of JESUS to ask for what we need.

Keep up the faith and trust in God, he will never fail you.

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