Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Play at Stanley Union

The congregation of Stanley was delighted by the voices of young children as the Christmas story was unfolded by way of children's performing and singing Christmas carols along with narrative by Natalie Romero. The play was directed by Andrea Dennisson and Samantha Romero.

Despite the small size of the shepherds, their voices rung throughout the sanctuary. The whole cast of characters performed their lines without fault to the throng of photo flashes from proud parents.

It had been a long anticipated time since the last Christmas Pageant had been performed at the Union Church. Some estimates placed it at seven years. Thus, the pleasure was multifaceted and the joy abounded throughout the pews.

The kings in their elaborate bath robes carried their treasures to the babe snuggled in the manger. King Caesar proclaimed his anxiety at his throne being threatened. The lowly shepherds made their way to the Bethlehem stable with sheep all around as a lone donkey stood majestically over the holy couple and the star shone brightly to proclaim its location.

Afterwards, the congregation gathered next door in the Stanley Homemaker's Club for a time of fellowship and celebration of the season. The children accepted praises for the success of their acting and feasted on cookies and punch.

What is it about the sound of children's voices and laughter that makes the Christmas season so complete? Perhaps it can be found in the words of the Messiah when he spoke in Luke 18, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Pastor John and Ginger Nash along with all of the congregation of the Stanley Union Church wish you a very Merry Christmas. May you know the Christ of Christmas and be blessed with His presence in your life this day and all forever more.

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