Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas is a Special Time

Christmas in Alamos is always a special time. A local Americano woman has a long standing tradition of taking up a collection for the city maintenance workers. Once Shoebox Ministries made it’s way to Alamos giving boxes to hundreds of local needy children. Locals do posados. This was also a time of the year when our ministry put together an extra despensa (food box) for the 20 or so needy families we worked with each month. In addition to the regular items such as flour, rice, beans, oil and other necessary groceries we added shampoo, bar bath soap, razors, feminine products, tooth paste, tooth brushes, lotion, cookies, fruit and candies. It was such a blessing to visit with the families that we had come to know as our special ones. We considered them “our families”.

Each of these children have their own unique stories and we came to love each of those precious families. Many times the bell would ring at our gate with one of the mothers asking for advice on how to solve a problem or help with some issue. We are so blessed to have many wonderful folks here in the states who were willing to support our Mexico ministry. This year Hermano Nestor has the list and he's checkin it twice as he's on his rounds despensing the goodies to all our families. To everyone of you from our Mexican families and ourselves we wish you, Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo. Yesterday we received an email from Hermano (brother) Nestor it said, "gracias, gracias, gracias, mucho gracias y dios te bendiga.

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